I played varsity basketball in high school. I started almost every game during those four years. Here is what is amazing. During the last three years we won only one game and that was in double overtime. I remember riding home on the team bus and listening to a local radio station that was playing over the bus speakers. The sports announcer came on the air and sounded shocked when he mentioned our victory in double overtime.
It was not easy being part of a team that always got beat and not by just a little. If we scored 25 points the opposing team would score 50. One night though I got hot and scored 28 points by myself, but we still lost.
Being a believer does not mean we always win in this world. While I wasn’t part of a winning team then, maybe you didn’t always win either, we are part of a winning team now because we belong to Jesus. Jesus already won the battle for us, and nothing can take that away.
When we are not winning in this world, when things are not going as we would want, we can still have peace. We can still be free from the anxieties of this world. We can be certain that when the final second of life’s clock ticks, game over, we are victorious in Christ. It’s guaranteed!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV
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