Our journey through life takes us to all kinds of places. For me that journey has taken me to many places, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and South America. Your journey has taken you to other places.
More than once on those journeys I found myself in less than comfortable, yes even dangerous situations. God’s hand was there with me all the time.
Our journey through life takes us through all kinds of personal trials and tribulations. They could be physical or relational in nature. At my age I have gotten to experience both of those in abundance. More than what I would want but, amazingly not more than I could bare, with God’s help. You see, God’s hand was there with me all the time.
Here is a truth that will help us trust God no matter where we are or what we are experiencing on our journey. I am always safe in God’s hands no matter the circumstance of life I find myself in. Stick like Velcro to God and let His powerful right hand support you no matter what! That was how David lived his life, when facing a giant or hiding in a cave. David stuck like Velcro to God and let Him fight his battles.
“I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:8 NIV
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