When I was invited to dinner at a home in the Iranian village I lived in, I was treated as someone special. It was very awkward at first to be told to sit at the front, be served first, and be given the best of all that was being served.
When the villagers greeted me coming home from work, they would call me Mohandes, which meant I was an engineer, which I was not. Or they would call me Haji, which meant I had made my pilgrimage to Meca, and I was not even a Muslim.
Showing partiality has its good side and its ugly side. We want to honor our parents and those who are older than us. Looking down on others is the ugly side. What country a person comes from, what their skin color is, the language they speak, what their facial features look like, etc. are all markers that may impact how we treat them.
I am so thankful my God is color blind. You see, how many of us think that God came to just save people who look and speak like us. Friends, if God were not color blind, we would be on the outside looking in. God chose to reveal Himself in the Middle East and came to earth with olive skin and looked Jewish, because He was! We can enter heaven only because God shows no partiality. If He did, only Jews would be going to heaven.
“Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.” Acts 10:34 NKJV
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